ADA : Femmes et nouvelles technologies  - Femmes et  IT - Femmes et TIC


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Best Work Place ?

A quiz to launch the debate within companies

The IT sector is renowned for its high salaries and its demanding working conditions. Often women leave the sector because they find it difficult to balance their work with their private life, but also because they’re not always comfortable with the male culture.

ADA wants to demonstrate that working in IT doesn’t necessarily have to involve extra hours and technological frenzy and that employers have a responsibility and the resources to do something about the culture and working conditions within their company.

ADA uses articles on working conditions and problems specific to the sector to highlight the obstacles women face to help them overcome them. ADA relays good company practices via the ADA website and spreads them through its contacts with employers.

ADA has developed a fun test that enables employers to become aware of the main problems that women in their company might encounter and links to reference material that explains in greater detail what mechanisms are at work.